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Application : Football 3D coaching

How can we help you ? To help you efficiently, please answer to one of these questions.
1 - Help for a COACH
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2 - Help for a PLAYER
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3 - You have a question =>
You are a football coach.
1 - I want to have a simple software to explain game situations in 3D during meeting and training sessions.
2 - I want to create animated 3D plays and create a playbook for my team and drills/exercices with cones, hoops.

3 - Use this app like a Tactical 3D Board
What can I do this app ?
1 - As an football player, you can watch the tactics sent by your coach previously (with our other software named FootballSketcher).
So you can learn the tactics of your team on your smartphone/tablet before going to training, or during travel before a game.
Click on this text to get some help to download your coach's work.

2 - As a coach, you can download the examples provided with this app (after clicking on the "Examples" button). And you can use these examples to show to your players to help them to understand what to do during training.
You can use this app as a blackboard/magnet board by moving the players and using the drawing tool (bottom right icon).
Click on the yellow rectangle at the bottom-right of this page (Online or Offline button) to leave us a message. Please indicate your name, email, club and your question.

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